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City Council

The Essex Junction City Council is the governing legislative body for the Municipality of the City of Essex Junction. The five-member board is elected at large within the City. After each Annual Meeting, one member of the City Council is elected by the other members to the office of City Council President. The City Council President is the Chairperson of the City Council and presides at the City Council meetings. The three-year terms of the City Council are staggered to provide continuity.

Additional information about the City Council and Open Meeting Laws:

Board Members & Contact Information


MembersEmailPhoneTerm Expires
Raj Chawla, Presidentrchawla@ essexjunction.org2025
Amber Thibeault, Vice Presidentathibeault@ 233-53862027
Tim Miller, Clerktmiller@ essexjunction.org2027
Marcus Certa mcerta@ essexjunction.org2026
Elaine Haneyehaney@ essexjunction.org2026


Regular meetings of the City Council are generally on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month and are held in the community room at the Essex Police Department located at 145 Maple Street in Essex Junction, or via remote access. (See the municipal calendar). The public is invited to attend and may address the board or ask questions during a special “public to be heard” section at the beginning of each meeting.

The City Council may hold special meetings to develop budgets, deal with personnel or contractual issues, or to extend public information sessions. All City Council meetings are warned  in advance. Official warnings appear on announcement boards in the lobbies of the City office, EJRP, and the Brownell Library. Meeting agendas are also posted on this website.

Upcoming Meetings

Access upcoming meeting documents by clicking on the meeting.

  • City Council Informational Hearing 03/25/2025

    The Essex Junction City Council will hold an Informational Hearing on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. This hybrid meeting will be held remotely using the ZOOM Meetings platform and in-person at the Community Room of the Essex Police Department located at 145 Maple Street, Essex Junction. The agenda and packet have been posted on the City website.

    March25 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

  • City Council 03/26/2025

    The Essex Junction City Council will hold a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday,March 26, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. This hybrid meeting will be held remotely using the ZOOM Meetings platform and in-person at the Community Room of the Essex Police Department located at 145 Maple Street, Essex Junction. The agenda and packet have been posted on the City website.

    March26 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

  • April9 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

  • April23 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

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