The City of Essex Junction is dedicated to maintaining and restoring healthy ecosystems by implementing the best practices for stormwater management. Stormwater is important both because of what’s in it and its capacity to erode surfaces. Sediment and pollution can be carried from our roads, lawns, pet and human waste, parking lots and other impervious surfaces to our local streams and Lake Champlain. This means nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, oils and debris, or bacteria like cyanobacteria can build up in the Lake and create issues for both human and ecosystem health.
Stormwater Utility
The City of Essex Junction is in the process of developing a Stormwater Utility. This utility will create a dedicated source of funding to pay for stormwater management programs and related infrastructure investments to meet state and federal permit requirements. These fees are comparable to water or sewer fees.
Stormwater Management
Stormwater management is a permitted requirement of Essex Junction given the City’s population density and designation by the EPA and the State of Vermont as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4.) Under this permit, the City is required to reduce the discharge of pollutants, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the requirements of the Clean Water Act. To do so, the City takes a two-pronged approach: 1) reducing and eliminating runoff and 2) working collaboratively with residents and other municipalities.