Development Review Board
On 7/1/22, the Zoning Board of Adjustment became the Development Review Board.
The Development Review Board (DRB) has legally binding authority over building and development projects in Essex Junction. The Essex Junction City Council appoints the five-member Board to three-year terms. The DRB approves or denies applications for development projects by interpreting and applying the rules spelled out in Essex Junction's Land Development Code, zoning regulations, and Comprehensive Plan. The DRB also settles appeals from builders, developers, and property owners of decisions made by the Essex Junction Zoning Administrator regarding requests for variances from zoning and land use regulations.
Development Review Board meetings are considered 'quasi-judicial hearings,' similar to court proceedings, and the DRB's decisions are expected to be narrowly focused and well-reasoned. The Essex Junction staff provides technical and legal assistance to the DRB, but members must be able to competently interpret and apply the logic and reasoning of Essex Junction's Land Development Code and other applicable regulations.
Committee Members
- John Alden, Chair
- Luke Brockmeier
- Cristin Gildea
- Maggie Massey, Vice Chair
- Dylan Zwicky
- Michael Giguere, Staff Representative mgiguere@
Regular meetings of the Development Review Board are generally on the third Thursday of each month and are held in the Kolvoord Room at the Brownell Library located at 6 Lincoln Street in Essex Junction or via remote access. (See the municipal calendar). An extensive application or a higher-than-usual influx of applications or appeals may occasionally require more meeting time or meetings may be canceled if there are no applications to review. All DRB meetings are warned in advance. Official warnings appear on announcement boards in the lobbies of the City Office, EJRP, and the Brownell Library. Meeting warnings are also posted on this website.
Upcoming Meetings
Access upcoming meeting documents by clicking on the meeting.
April17 6:30
PM – 8:30 PM May15 6:30
PM – 8:30 PM June9 6:30
PM – 8:30 PM
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