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Voter Information

Voter Information


Residents may register at the City Office, or online at, or at the polling place for same day registration. All that is required for voter registration is your VT driver’s license number, or if you do not have a VT driver’s license, the last four digits of your social security number. Paper registration forms and additional voter information may be found at


August 13, 2024 - Statewide Primary – Ballots will not be mailed to voters unless requested. To request a ballot in the mail please email clerks@ or go to

Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Champlain Valley Exposition (Fairgrounds) in the Blue Ribbon Pavilion Building.

November 5, 2024 - General Election. The State of Vermont will be mailing ballots for the General Election to all active voters in the state to the address where you are registered to vote.

Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Champlain Valley Exposition (Fairgrounds) in the Blue Ribbon Pavilion Building. You may bring your mailed ballot to the polls on November 5th, check in and cast it there. (If you do not bring your mailed ballot with you to the polls, you will need to sign an affidavit before receiving a replacement ballot and casting your vote).

Ballots for the General Election will be mailed around the last week in September.

  • If you plan on being away from your residence between the end of September and November 5th, you should request that a ballot be mailed to you at the location where you will receive mail during that time. Ballots will not be forwarded and will be returned to the clerk’s office without a forwarding address. The mailing list will be generated around September 1st so this matter should be taken care of now.
  • Parents, if your college age children want to vote in November, please make sure they also request to have ballots mailed to them at their college address.
  • If you have moved to a new address you should make sure that your voter registration shows your current address.

To make the changes listed above (or to just check your voter status), go to, log in and update your information or request a mailed ballot at the address where you will be when the ballots are mailed. When you log into please provide an email address. Having an email address on file will provide a quicker way to contact you if there is an issue when you return your mailed voted ballot.

If you have moved into the City since you last voted, you will need to register as a new voter. See Voter Registration above for information on registering to vote. If moving here from out of state you will need to provide proof of residency.

If you have any questions concerning this message, please email clerks@ or call 802-878-6944 option 7.