Working Collaboratively
When we work together, Chittenden County towns are much more effective in reaching the common goal of clean water and improved water quality in the Lake Champlain basin. We all have less work to do improving water quality if we prevent pollution from occurring in the first place. Like our friends at the Chittenden Solid Waste District say: “If you do a little, we can all do a lot.”
The City participates both in Rethink Runoff (formally Regional Stormwater Education Program) and The Stream Team. These programs help educate residents on the impact of stormwater runoff and actions they can take to prevent stormwater from polluting our waterways. Rethink Runoff has published the results of their most recent survey in nine cities and towns of Chittenden County about residents’ perceptions and habits regarding stormwater runoff. As the results of the survey indicate, more outreach and educational programming is necessary to raise public awareness about these programs and their work.
One of Rethink Runoff’s initiatives that relies on community support is Adopt-A-Drain. This program allows community members to take responsibility for cleaning a storm drain in their area once or twice a month. These drains flow directly to the Lake, bringing debris, trash, and pollution with them. With greater community buy-in, this low-commitment and gratifying drain adoption can have a major impact on the water quality of our local streams and lake. For all the information needed to adopt and get started, visit this website!