Energy Efficiency at the Facility
Typically, wastewater treatment facilities are among the top 10 largest energy users nationwide. However, our wastewater treatment facility has been recognized as a leader in energy efficiency. In 2015, the facility was refurbished with the goals of improving energy efficiency, incorporating green elements, optimizing sustainability, providing greater process control, and improving phosphorus reduction measures anticipated by the Lake Champlain Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). Through utilization of innovative and sustainable energy efficient measures, including installation of a 150 kW solar field and a 150kW cogeneration system, we have been able to reduce our energy consumption to achieve near net zero, all while meeting design standards for treatment process redundancy and economic return.
Our innovative solutions have been written about in BioCycle: The Organics Recycling Authority and TPO: Treatment Plant Operator. Since the refurbishment was completed, the facility has been awarded the:
- 2021 Efficiency Vermont Energy Leadership Award
- 2018 Vermont Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence
- 2017 New England Water Environment’s Energy Management Achievement Award
- 2016 Efficiency Vermont Energy Management Award
- 2015 American Council of Engineering Companies Engineering Excellence Award Category C: Environmental (to Aldrich & Elliott, the engineering firm)

The refurbishment project, including the energy conservation and alternative energy improvements, ensures environment protection and enhances Vermont’s natural resources by improving water quality, air quality, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Wastewater treatment is one of the front line defenses in preserving Vermont’s water quality. Wastewater treatment is also an essential public health function that prevents harmful pathogens from entering out waterways. The refurbishment project allowed recycling a valuable and finite water resource back into the environment while maintaining a high standard of treatment.