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Give Your Time & Talents Back to Your Community!

Posted Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Celebrate the season of giving and give your time and expertise back to your community!  The Town and Village currently have seven positions open on five different volunteer boards and committees. Take a look at the list below to see what might interest you and put your skills and talents to use to improve our community!

-The Village Bike/Walk Advisory Committee (BWAC) has one open position. The committee generally meets the third Monday of every month at 6 PM. The purpose of the committee is to advance Essex Junction as a friendly neighborhood community where bicycling and walking are encouraged, and where sidewalks, bike paths, multi-use paths, and other facilities are provided and maintained in order to enhance the year-round safety, accessibility, convenience, enjoyment, and health of all citizens.

-The Town of Essex Economic Development Commission (EDC) has two open positions. The EDC generally meets the second and fourth Friday of the month at 8 AM. The mission of the Commission is to assist with the retention, expansion and development of existing business; to assist with the location and development of new industrial and commercial firms to Essex; to plan for development to assure economic diversification and to provide the Selectboard with advice to enhance the community's commercial and industrial base.

-The Town of Essex Conservation & Trails Committee (CTC) has one open position.  The CTC generally meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM.  The committee’s mission is to inventory and study the natural, historic, educational, cultural, scientific, architectural, or archaeological resources of the town in which the public has an interest; and to preserve, develop and maintain a multi-use trail, sidewalk, and greenway system in the Town of Essex that will link residential neighborhoods to natural areas, schools, parks, businesses, recreational facilities, community centers, and neighboring towns. 

-Both the Town of Essex and the Village of Essex Junction are seeking a Channel 17 (CCTV) representative. The CCTV Board oversees all projects, including the contract for the operation of Channel 17. CCTV is responsible for filming public meetings, as well as creating other content.

-The Winooski Valley Park District (WVPD) is seeking a Trustee from the Essex community. Meeting monthly, this highly engaged board formulates and approves the budget, tracks operations, makes decisions on capital projects and acquisitions, and hires and supervises the Executive Director to carry out the WVPD mission.   

Please e-mail Darby Mayville (darby@ with any questions about these positions.