Reducing and Eliminating Runoff
These efforts include inspecting and maintaining over 1,500 catch basins and thousands of miles of storm drain lines, supporting pick-up-after-your-pet initiatives, installation and maintenance of stormwater detention ponds, rain gardens and infiltration areas, consistent street sweeping, monitoring construction sites for runoff, cul-de-sac retrofits, and various other stormwater control practices. These practices are vital in maintaining the wellbeing of our local waterways and are proudly and jointly operated and managed with the City’s Public Works and Water Quality Staff.

Finished projects like the gravel wetland on Mansfield and Brickyard play an important role in restoring and maintaining the health of our waterways and communities. These projects slow the flow of stormwater to prevent erosion, flooding, and pollution traveling farther into the waterway.
Active projects, like the Athens Dr project (right) to stabilize the eroding stream bank of a stormwater outfall, or the Brickyard Rd project (above) to replace a collapsed culvert with a box culvert under the road, are intended to have the same impact.