Green Up Day

Green Up Day 2024 will take place on Saturday, May 4, 2024. This annual event encourages community members to come together and clean up their neighborhood roads, parks, and waterways.
Green Up Day Bags
The City has Green Up Day bags available at:
- Essex Junction Recreation and Parks (EJRP) at 75 Maple Street: M-F 8 a.m. to 4 p.m
- Brownell Library at 6 Lincoln Street: Hour vary.
- City Office at 2 Lincoln Street: M-F 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
How It Works
On Green Up Day, volunteers head outside to gather trash along the public right of ways, greenbelts, parks. Only official Green Up Day bags can be used. Household trash, bulk items or clean recyclables will not be collected. Full bags can be brought to the Brownell Library parking lot and put in a Public Works dump truck from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. If volunteers can’t make it to the Brownell Library, they can also leave their bags on the side of the road.
Report Your Work
Share your good work with Ashely Snellenberger at asnellenberger@ or 802-878-6944 by collecting stats on # of volunteers, miles of roads, and # of bags of trash picked up helps us report progress to the Green Up Day organizers.
Download the App
The Green Up App can help you build teams, track your routes, communicate, set challenges and locate trash. Apple store or google play.
Safety Precautions & Online Information
- PLEASE WEAR GLOVES during the entire clean up.
- If you find any sharps or hazardous items, please contact the Essex Police Department at 878-8331, and they will pick them up. Hazardous materials contact the Chittenden Solid Waste District Facilities at 872-8100 for information on where they can be dropped off.
- Be prepared for the weather and wear appropriate clothing.
- Wear bug spray and check yourself for ticks at the end of the day.
- Watch for traffic: face oncoming traffic and wear light or bright colored clothes for visibility.
Visit for more information on safety.
Guinness World Record Attempt
In addition to the local efforts, the State Green Up Day is attempting a Guinness World Record of “The Most Pledges Received for Trash Clean Up in 24 Hours.” To obtain the record, they need a minimum of 5,000 pledges (non-monetary) - just names and emails of all ages. The City is collecting names and emails at the City Office at 2 Lincoln Street and Brownell Library until Friday, May 3, 2024.
More Information
Volunteers can contact Ashley Snellenberger at or 802-878-6944 to provide their plans for Green Up Day, collect stats, or request more information. You can also find additional information on the Green Up Day website
Volunteers and Locations
The City is encouraging volunteers to share their plans for Green Up Day. Below is a list of where and when groups will pick up. We encourage others to join their clean-up efforts.
- KDP: Gauthier Dr and New England Dr on April 30.
- St James Episcopal: at 9 am
- Amtrak Station and Multi-Use Path 9-10:30 AM
- Near the Winooski Valley Park District on April 3