Development Review Board 12/19/2024
December 19, 2024
6:30PM – 8:30 PM
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Web version
This meeting will be in person at 6 Lincoln Street in the Brownell Library and available remotely. Options to watch or join the meeting remotely:
- WATCH: the meeting will be live-streamed on Town Meeting TV
- JOIN ONLINE: Join Zoom Meetingor visit for meeting connection information
- JOIN CALLING: (toll-free audio only): (888) 788-0099 | Conference ID: 839 2599 0985 | Passcode: 940993
- PROVIDE FULL NAME: For minutes, please provide your full name whenever prompted.
- MUTE YOUR MIC: When not speaking, please mute your microphone on your computer/phone.
I. Additions or Amendments to Agenda
II. Public to be Heard
III. Minutes for Approval
a. November 21st, 2024
IV. Public Meeting
a. Sketch plan review for a three-lot subdivision for one residential lot and two lots for future
development; road connection of Taft Street to Meadow Terrace in the R1 District by Center
for Technology Essex, owners.
V. Public Hearing
a. Final site plan review for the construction of a triplex with parking at 162 West Street in the
R2 District by Franklin South LLC, owner.
VI. Other Development Review Board Items
VII. Adjournment
Members of the public are encouraged to speak during the Public-To-Be-Heard agenda item, during a
Public Hearing, or, when recognized by the Chair, during consideration of a specific agenda item. Public
comments are limited to a three minute rule unless waived by the Development Review Board Chair.
This meeting will be held in the Kolvoord Room of the Brownell Library at 6 Lincoln St., Essex Jct., VT, and
on Zoom at the link above. Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request to the City,
802-878-6944, to assure that City meetings are accessible to all individuals regardless of disability.
For more information, please contact the Community Development Department from 8 am – 4:30 pm at
802-878-6944 or at