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City Council Seeks Public Input on CVE Sound Waiver Proposal

Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2024
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The Champlain Valley Expo (CVE) has submitted a proposal to the City Council, requesting 15 additional sound waivers from approximately May to mid-October. The CVE's proposal includes plans to expand programming in the Grandstand beyond the current ten days of the annual Champlain Valley Fair. The 15 sound waivers would be in addition to the 20 CVE currently holds for events at the Fairgrounds on a yearly basis.

The City Council encourages residents to participate in the decision-making process by providing feedback. Please use the online form below or contact the City Council by email at This form will be available until September 4, 2024. 

Online Feedback Form

Residents who wish to learn more about the proposal are invited to view the City Council meetings where the proposal has been discussed: