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Crescent Connector Traffic Pattern Change

Posted Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The City of Essex Junction is excited to announce that the Crescent Connector Project is scheduled to be completed this month, providing an alternative route around the Five Corners intersection. Finalizing this project requires the coordination of several moving parts, and providing an accurate prediction of the work that has and will happen over the final weeks has been challenging. We appreciate your patience and flexibility. 

The project includes the installation of new traffic signals at Park Street and Maple Street. Beginning tomorrow (Wednesday, September 11, 2024), these signals will change from flash mode to full operation. When the new signals are changed to full operation, there will be changes to current traffic patterns in the vicinity of the Five Corners intersection. Left-hand turns from Maple St to Park St at the Five Corners intersection will be prohibited. Drivers traveling from Route 117 (Maple St) to Route 2A (Park Street) south toward Williston will now turn left on the new Crescent Connector road at the Railroad Street and Maple Street intersection.

Another change will be on the Pearl Street approach to the Five Corners.  There will be a new signal phase consisting of a flashing left arrow that will allow left turns to Lincoln and Main Street if no opposing traffic is coming from Maple Street.  This phase will be followed by a solid green arrow allowing exclusive left turns with no opposing traffic.  On Park Street, there is now an exclusive right-turn lane leading to the new roadway.  Please obey the flashing red arrow that is currently being displayed.

Finally, the Five Corners intersection and the new signalized intersections on Maple and Park Street will have exclusive pedestrian phases, where all traffic stops when pedestrian crossing signals are operating.

The City of Essex Junction looks forward to the positive impact this new infrastructure will have on the community and urges all drivers to familiarize themselves with the upcoming changes to ensure a smooth transition. The City also appreciates everyone’s patience over the last three construction seasons and encourages everyone to support our local businesses.

The contractor provides the best prediction of their work, and we will post daily construction progress information on our website.  Construction will continue on the final details of this project, which may involve lane closures for striping, sign installation, or other project clean-up. Please remember that construction is a fluid process, and sometimes plans must change based on weather, conditions found in the field, or other factors. You can view these daily updates by clicking the link below. 

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