The Village of Essex Junction announces the start of the Crescent Connector Phase I Project; the rail line upgrades. The Contractor will be mobilizing equipment and materials to the site starting on…
S.D. Ireland will begin the installation of the replacement culvert on Densmore Drive near Brickyard Rd starting Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Vehicle and pedestrian access to Densmore Drive from Brickyard…
The City of Essex Junction, formerly the Village of Essex Junction, will become Vermont’s newest and fourth largest city on July 1, 2022, and we’re searching for a manager to keep us strong and guide…
Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA) is now accepting applications from Vermont homeowners who are behind on their housing expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A public hearing on the 2022-2023 municipal budget for the Village of Essex Junction was held online via Zoom on Tuesday, February, 22, 2022 at 6:35 pm.
The Village of Essex Junction is proud to announce the promotions of two long-time Village employees at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. The promotions were made upon the retirement of the previous…
A petition to place the retail cannabis opt-in question on the ballot for Town Meeting 2022 was presented to the Town Clerk, but fell short of having 5 percent of registered voters. Regardless, on…
As permitted by Act 78, the Village Board of Trustees is moving to completely remote meetings for the foreseeable future, and will reassess periodically when to move back to in-person meetings, based…
The Village of Essex Junction is proud to announce the hiring of Jess Morris as the new Finance Director. Jess is currently the finance director for the Town of Milton, a position she has held since…
Do you have some time, a skill, or technical knowledge you would like to share to work toward solving complex issues and recommending policies that helps to to shape the kind of community in which you…
The Village of Essex Junction Trustees are seeking the assistance of Village residents to guide the recruitment and hiring process of the future City Manager.
The Charter vote for the City of Essex Junction passed overwhelmingly (88%) in November with 3,070 yes votes to 411 no votes. While there have not been any more work sessions on independence, there…
The Essex Junction Board of Trustees have appointed senior staff members Wendy Hysko and Brad Luck as interim co-managers to oversee Village operations when current manager Evan Teich’s contract…
To help the Town and Village decide whether to put a local option tax question on the next annual meeting ballot, and how to use the revenue if a local option tax is approved, we want to hear from…
The Town of Essex Selectboard is encouraging local area nonprofit social, health and human services organizations to apply for support funding. Each year, Essex allocates 1% of their annual budget to…
The Committee on Equity for Essex is dedicated to redistributing decision-making, resources, and power into our community to ensure the voices of those who have…
Following two failed merger votes in March and April of this year, the Town of Essex Selectboard and the Village of Essex Junction Board of Trustees have worked cooperatively on certain details of…
In late September, the Village of Essex Junction welcomed Lt. Governor Molly Gray as she walked around Five Corners as part of her Recover Stronger tour in Chittenden County.
On October 12, the Trustees held a Public Hearing on the Charter for the City of Essex Junction and had a work session and business item on the agenda related to Essex Junction Independence. The…