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Council Announces Formation of Governance Committee

Posted Thursday, October 3, 2024

The City Council of Essex Junction is pleased to announce the formation of a Governance Committee to explore governance structures aimed at ensuring equitable representation of voices at policy-making tables. The Committee will serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council, focusing on studying governance considerations for the City. This includes, but is not limited to, form of government, election of officials, governing body composition, term of office, term limits, and councilor compensation.

The Governance Committee, to be appointed by the City Council, will consist of up to 9 voting members, including two City Council members. Members of the Committee are required to be residents of the City of Essex Junction. 

The Committee is anticipated to be established as soon as a minimum of 7 members can be appointed. It will be a limited-time Committee and is expected to be dissolved upon the completion of the outlined work or by November 1, 2025. Member terms will last for the full duration of the Committee’s existence.

For more information or to apply, visit the Become a Committee Member page.