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City News

VTRANS Small Scale Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Grant

The Village of Essex Junction is proud to announce that we are a recipient of a 2018 VTRANS Small Scale Bicycle and Pedestrian Program grant, which will be used to purchase rectangular rapid flash…


Essex Residents Receive Governor's Appointments

Congratulations to Essex residents Theresa Sunderland who was named to the Act 264 Advisory Board, Delania Norton who was named to the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)…


Why Essex? Practical Magick

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@


Phone Scam Warning

The Essex Police have received multiple complaints from citizens reporting that the IRS contacted them via phone, threatening to arrest them if they do not make payment immediately.  This is a scam.


Paving Update

The Village of Essex Junction will be paving Fairview Drive, Hubbells Falls Drive, Grove Street, and Ivy Lane.


Why Essex? Sweet Alchemy Bakery & Cafe

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@


Outstanding Achievement in Public Works

Dennis Lutz P.E., Town Public Works Director, has been awarded the 2018 Outstanding Achievement in Public Works Award.


Village Paving Decisions

A quick explanation of how the Village chooses which roads to pave.


Why Essex? Karen's Kloset

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@


Wastewater Treatment Facility Open House and Tour

Come celebrate Clean Water Week on August 3 with a tour of the Essex Junction Wastewater Treatment Facility!


Volunteers Transform the Yard of an Essex Junction Habitat for Humanity House

Courtesy of "Stuck in Vermont" by 7 Days.


Essex Junction Teen Gets Puppy from Foundation

Make-A-Wish Foundation give puppy to local girl with liver condition. 


Why Essex? Words & Pictures

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at


Business Owner Selected as New England Creative Communities Fellow

Kristin Humbargar has been selected as a 2018 New England Creative Communities Fellow. 


Iroquois Ave. Information

The Village of Essex Junction is looking to replace the water line on Iroquois Ave., as well as make improvements to the roadway and sidewalk. 


SteAmfest 2018 | The Art of Possibility

SteAmfest is looking for artists and makers. 


Operation Safety Corridor

VTrans has identified four corridors where data indicate that a combination of high traffic volume, high speeds and a high rate of crashes demand an increased level of enforcement.


House Fire on Juniper Ridge Road

EJFD worked for four hours to extinguish hot spots, overhaul the structure and salvage what belongings they could at a house fire on Juniper Ridge Road.


Why Essex? SoulShine Power Yoga

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@


Why Essex? Vermont Dog Club

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place.


EJRP Featured in Parks & Recreation Magazine

The Village of Essex Junction is pleased to announce that a photo submitted by Essex Junction Recreation & Parks (EJRP) will be included on the front cover of the Parks & Recreation Magazine.


Town of Essex Firearms Discharge Ordinance

The Town of Essex is looking for public input regarding possible changes to our Firearms Discharge Ordinance.


117 Roadway Rehabilitation Project

During the week beginning June 18, 2018 the Vermont Agency of Transportation in conjunction with Pike Industries Inc. will begin the 2018 – 2019 roadway rehabilitation project of VT Route 117.


Why Essex? Be Intentionally Well

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place.


Village Tree Advisory Committee Plants 25 Trees

The Village of Essex Junction Tree Advisory Committee, in conjunction with the Village Public Works Department, recently arranged for the planting of 25 street trees in Downtown Essex Junction.


Village News Feed

The Village e-mail notification system is expanding! 


Public Meeting - Bike/Ped Improvements for VT15

The Town of Essex, the Village of Essex Junction and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission are hosting a Public Meeting to present design concepts for bicycle and pedestrian improvements…


Essex Junction Fastest Growing Community in Greater Burlington Area

Essex Junction is the fastest-growing town in the Burlington area, growing by 2.9 percent last year and 15.2 percent since 2010. 


Accessory Apartments

Accessory apartments are allowed in all residential zoning districts in the Village, and help to both increase housing stock and provide homeowners with an additional source of income. 


Main Street Pedestrian Bridge Construction

Beginning Monday, June 18, 2018, the Village of Essex Junction will begin replacement of the pedestrian bridge on VT Route 15 near the Town Offices located at 81 Main Street.


See Click Fix

Both the Village of Essex Junction & Town of Essex utilize the services of SeeClickFix.  This application allows citizens to quickly and easily report public works concerns using their smartphone,…


Village Road Re-Striping

The Village will be re-striping pavement markings at the Five Corners and Class 1 highways during the month of June.


Essex Junction Free Summer Meal Program

The Essex Westford School District (EWSD) Child Nutrition Program is excited to announce that it will sponsor a summer food program again this year, beginning on June 18, 2018.  Meals will be provided…


Why Essex? Laura Buermann

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. 


Public Works Food Drive

In celebration of National Public Works week, the Village Public Works Department held a "Touch a Truck" story time and food drive, raising 82 lbs of food.  


Why Essex? Essex Hub for Women & Business

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place.


Five Corners Farmers' Market

The Five Corners Farmers' Market is coming back for Summer 2018! 


PACIF Grant Award

The Village of Essex Junction is proud to announce that we are a recipient of a 2018 PACIF (Property and Casualty Intermunicipal Fund) Equipment grant.  The total value of this grant is $1,528.


Village Center Parking

There are 328 public parking spots available in the Village Center, and an additional 935 spots are available in private lots.


Why Essex? 1st Republic Brewing Co.

Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place.
