The Village of Essex Junction and the Town of Essex are proud to announce that three of our employees have recently become Certified Municipal Stormwater Inspectors.
The clean-up effort by volunteers and Town/Village employees resulted in removal of 4.04 tons of trash from roadsides, parks, and along stream banks as a part of Green-Up Day activities.
The D.C. journey for 43 Vermont students, organized by Essex Junction Recreation & Parks, took a surprise turn Wednesday when the students stumbled upon President Macron.
On Saturday, June 2, 2018, Vermont will become the first state in the US to hold a statewide celebration of Neighbors Day. Last year the Village of Essex Junction was the first local municipality to…
Over the past several years Essex Junction has demonstrated a renewed commitment to its tree resources and has become the sixth community in Vermont to earn Tree City USA recognition, a program…
Rethink Runoff, a regional stormwater outreach campaign of which Essex Junction is a member, works to develop and implement social marketing campaigns and events to encourage best practices to address…
A public meeting on the Susie Wilson Road Corridor Project (ESSEX STP 5400(11) will be held on May 8, 2018 at 6:30 PM. The meeting is presented by VTrans and will be held at the Essex Police…
In May Excelerate Essex, the co-working space will have a new home by relocating to the Earthlogic building located at 56 Main Street, at the corner of Grove Street.
Work on Route 117 (River Road) will begin this summer. The state will repair culverts and storm drains during the summer of 2018, and fully repave the road during the summer of 2019.
The Joint Stormwater Coordinating Committee would like to announce that the Village & Town have recently been awarded several grants amounting to $575,304 in funding.
Free parking for approximately thirty vehicles is available in the gravel lot behind Road Res Q. It is rarely full and provides easy access to many destinations in the downtown area.
This spring, the Village Tree Advisory Committee, in conjunction with Branch Out Burlington, is offering a Tree Keeper Training. This will be held on Thursday, April 5 from 6-8 PM at the Burlington…
Did you miss the last Trustee meeting and are wondering what happened? Check out the minutes, highlights of the most recent meeting, and a link to watch past meetings on the Board of Trustees page.
The Village of Essex Junction is pleased to announce that our Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) has been awarded the Energy Management Achievement Award by the New England Water Environment…
Rethink Runoff is a one-stop shop by providing data, educational resources, tutorials and engagement opportunities that teach residents about the effects of stormwater and the steps residents can take…