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Fall Fire Hydrant Flushing October 25 through November 5

The Essex Junction Water Department will be flushing fire hydrants from October 25 to November 5 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.


9/28 Trustee's Meeting re: Essex Junction Independence

On September 28, the Trustees held a Public Hearing on the Charter for the City of Essex Junction and had several business items on the agenda related to Essex Junction Independence. The following is…


Warning Village of Essex Junction Notice of Special Election re: City of Essex Junction Charter November 2, 2021

The legal voters of the Village of Essex Junction are hereby notified and warned of a special election to take place on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, between the hours of 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. to vote on…


Notice of Charter Revisions Re: Charter for the City of Essex Junction

After the first Public Hearing on the Charter for the City of Essex Junction on September 28, 2021, the Village Trustees revised the Charter.


9/14 Trustee Work Session on Essex Junction Independence

On September 14, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence. The following is what was discussed.   

The Trustees reviewed the four draft contracts for consideration with the…


Village Public Hearings on charter for the City of Essex Junction September 28 & October 12

Essex Junction Village residents have two opportunities to attend a public hearing on the charter for the city of Essex Junction. 


Get Out & About in Essex on Oct. 2 & 3!

Get Out & About in Essex on Saturday, Oct. 2 and Sunday, Oct. 3 to enjoy all that a fall weekend in Vermont can offer.  Local shops and restaurants will be participating as well as local artists and…


8/24 Trustee Work Session on Essex Junction Independence

On August 24, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence. The following is what was discussed. 

The Trustee’s reviewed the current draft charter.  At their next meeting on…


Village Public Hearing on charter for the City of Essex Junction

The Essex Junction Village Trustees are holding a public hearing on the charter for the city of Essex Junction on Tuesday, September 28, at 6:30p.m. at 2 Lincoln Street, Essex Junction, VT  05452.


8/10 Trustee Work Session on Essex Junction Independence

On August 10, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence. The following is what was discussed.   

The Trustees reviewed a list of intergovernmental relationships and committees…


Bus Bid Opportunity - Reopened with Deadline on August 17th

Essex Junction Recreation & Parks (EJRP) has reopened the bid posting for a new 42 to 48 passenger bus. This could be a school bus or a multi-function school activity bus (MFSAB). The GVWR shall be…


Boards and Committees vacancies - REVISED as of 10/8/21

UPDATED Boards, Committees, and Commissions ad poster as of October 8, 2021


Due date for water bills extended to August 17th

The due date for Town of Essex and Village of Essex Junction water bills has been extended to August 17, 2021 to allow for the municipal offices being closed to observe Bennington Battle Day.


Town of Essex Public Forums to Prepare for Village Vote on Independence

The Essex Selectboard is hosting three facilitated, public forums in August to hear from residents throughout the entire community about how the Town of Essex can prepare for the Village of Essex…


Location change for August 4th Town Public Forum

The Town Public Forum on August 4th that was previously planned for Memorial Hall is now going to be a hybrid meeting that will be held at the Town Offices at 81 Main Street and remotely.


Current Job Postings for Town of Essex and Village of Essex Junction

7/27 Trustee Work Session on Essex Junction Independence

On July 27, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence. The following is what was discussed. 

The Trustees examined a list of current Village committees and potential future…


NOTICE: Village Street Paving

Street paving will occur on the following streets in Essex Junction July 26th through July 30th, weather permitting:


National Night Out 2021

The Essex Police Department will be hosting National Night Out ‪on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 from 5:00PM to 7:00PM‬ at the Essex High School.


Coffee with a Cop July 30th Starbucks

Essex PD officers will be at the Starbucks on July 30th, followed by Coffee Chat with the Chief.


7/13 Trustee Work Session on Essex Junction Independence  

On July 13, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence. The following is what was discussed.   

The Trustees reviewed the three statutory options for contracting services with…


Need for Reconstructed Amtrak Station Highlighted by Essex Junction Trustees as Amtrak Vermonter Returns

With the restoration of Amtrak service, the Essex Junction Trustees are highlighting the need for an expanded and enhanced structure to serve Amtrak passengers at Vermont’s busiest train station.   To…


Celebrate with Essex Junction as Amtrak Reopens for Business!

The Vermont Agency of Transportation has announced celebratory events at all Amtrak stations in Vermont as Amtrak resumes service on Monday, July 19.  The Village of Essex Junction is home to…


Essex Junction Fourth of July Celebration

EJRP is proud to bring you the Essex Junction Fourth of July Celebration on Sunday, July 4th.  Food, live music, funa dn games begin at 6:00 pm with a fireworks display at 9:30 pm. Festivities will…


Expect periodic lane closures on Park Street

Starting tomorrow June 29, 2021, and continuing through July 23, 2021 Engineers Construction, Inc. (ECI) will be doing periodic lane closures on Park Street to facilitate the installation on…


6/22 Trustee Work on Essex Junction Independence

On June 22, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence. The following is what was discussed. 

The Trustees reviewed and updated the draft Charter for the city of Essex…


6/8 Trustee Work on Essex Junction Independence

On June 8, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence. The following is what was discussed.

The Trustees set some goals related to developing city services, the departments, and…


Committee on Equity for Essex Newsletter May/June 2021

The Committee on Equity for Essex is dedicated to redistributing decision-making, resources, and power into our community to ensure the voices of those who have been historically marginalized are…


Essex Community Juneteenth Celebration

On June 19, 2021, Essex will stage its 1st Juneteenth celebration. Our event will be held from 11am to 1pm at the pavilion of the Brownell Library at 5 Corners, celebrating the contributions of…


Update on Town & Village services regarding COVID-19

Buildings reopening – Online service continues

The Town of Essex and Village of Essex Junction buildings are now open to the public with in-person services, with the exception of the Village Office…


Evan's Coffee Chat with Police Chief Ron Hoague

Join Unified Manager Evan Teich with special guest, Chief Ron Hoague of the Essex Police Department for a virtual chat over a cup of morning java.


5/25 Trustee Work on Essex Junction Independence

On May 25, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence. The following is what was discussed.  

The Trustees reviewed a draft of the charter for the city of Essex Junction.  The…


Bernard Fleury Green Mountain Water Environment Association's Vermont Operator of the Year


Bernie Fleury, Assistant Chief Operator of the Essex Junction wastewater facility has been nominated by his peers and recognized with the 2021 GMEA Vermont Operator Excellence –…


Essex, Essex Junction, Westford Community Bike Fix & Swap event May 30th - 9-3, Maple St Park

The Essex/Westford Community Bike Fix & Swap is an event hosted by Essex CHIPS and supported by the Essex Junction Bike/Walk Advisory Committee and Essex Junction Recreation and Parks. This event…


Reflection: A year after the murder of George Floyd

Tuesday, May 25th will mark the one-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. 


Lane Closure in Essex to Support Grid Reliability Work

The safety and reliability of Vermont’s electric transmission system depends on effective maintenance of VELCO’s electric transmission structures to ensure they can continue to serve Vermont’s energy…


4/27 Trustee Work on Essex Junction Independence

On April 27, the Trustees held a work session on Essex Junction Independence.  The following is what was discussed. 

The Trustees will be using approximately the first hour of each of their regularly…


Enjoy an Evening Coffee Chat with the Manager - May 6

Join the Manager for an evening coffee chat on Thursday evening, May 6th at 6:30 pm


Congressman Welch nominates Essex Crescent Connector project to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

The Village President and Unified Manager were notified this week that Congressman Peter Welch has nominated the Crescent Connector Project connecting Routes 2A and 117 for member designation in the…


Transportation Exploration

Come see a variety of vehicles up close and in person! This adapted version of our beloved annual event will include some interactive experiences.
