On Thursday, July 18 at 6 PM, the Village of Essex Junction will be shutting off water service for several hours to approximately 50 households on Lincoln Street.
Why Essex? “Being in Essex has allowed us to make connections with local athletics and performing artists. We love being a part of the community” -Kristin Fitzgerald
Why Essex? “The Essex community has supported us throughout the years, through donations, membership in our annual subscription program, and volunteer support.” –Will Moran
The Town of Essex & Village of Essex Junction collected a total of 293 lbs. of food and raised $400 in donations at two popular community events this spring.
Why Essex? The high students that attend the center come from Essex and surrounding communities to learn about teaching young children. The preschool children also come from Essex and the surrounding…
The Village of Essex Junction Community Development and Public Works Departments would like to remind all residents that overgrown grass or weeds taller than one foot is a violation of our blight…
Stop by the 1st ever Planning Commission Open House on Tuesday, June 11th from 6-6:30 PM at the Village Offices (2 Lincoln Street). Meet current Planning Commission members and learn more about the…
Why Essex? “Current estimates are looking like 14% of the population of Essex will be undercounted in the 2020 Census. That adds up to a lot of federal dollars that we would be missing out on in our…
The Village of Essex Junction is proud to announce that Chelsea Mandigo, Stormwater Coordinator/Wastewater Operator, is the 2019 recipient of the Green Mountain Water Environment Association’s…
Why Essex? “We wanted to open our business in the community that we live in and are familiar with, and we saw a community need for a local real estate office.” –Matt Lumsden
The Village of Essex Junction & Town of Essex are pleased to announce that an article co-authored by Chelsea Mandigo and Annie Costandi, Village Stormwater Coordinator/Wastewater Operator and Town…
Congratulations to Grace Jiayi Lu, an Essex High School student who was one of only 161 students across the nation to receive the distinction of being a 2019 Presidential Scholar!
The Essex Police Department participated in prescription drug take-back day on Saturday, April 27. Essex Police collected 317.83 lbs of prescription drugs, the second highest poundage in in the state…
The Village of Essex Junction and the Town of Essex are considering changes to the Town and Village websites, and are seeking feedback from anyone who may visit the websites.
2019 marks Essex Junction’s first year partnering with Branch Out Burlington to grow seedlings in a shared community nursery. The Essex Junction Tree Advisory Committee will be planting trees in the…
Why Essex? “We had originally wanted to be somewhere closer to Burlington, but Essex ended up fitting our needs perfectly. It is easily accessible and close to the mountains.” –Matthew Butler-Bugher
The Village of Essex Junction has been named a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation in honor of our commitment to effective urban forest management. This is the fourth consecutive year the…
WCAX recently featured Essex Junction Public Work’s own Art LaGrange on their Super Senior Program! Art is 82 years old and has been the man behind the street sweeper for the last twenty years.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
The Village of Essex Junction is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan and Essex Community Enhanced Energy Plan. Draft versions are now available for review and public comment through May…
The Essex / Westford Community Bike Fix & Swap is an event hosted by Essex CHIPS and is supported by the Village of Essex Junction Bike/Walk Advisory Committee and Essex Junction Recreation and Parks.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Burlington International Airport is undertaking a master planning process to determine long-term development plans, terminal needs, airfield needs, and the financial requirements to fund each of the…
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.