Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
On Saturday, December 1, Voices for Education is hosting an opportunity for a diverse group of community members to come together to share their experiences and challenges living and working in our…
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
The Village of Essex Junction Wastewater Treatment Facility was recently awarded a $45,000 grant from the state of Vermont Phosphorus Innovation Challenge program.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Please note that dumping of any kind is prohibited in the Village of Essex Junction public right-of-way (road, sidewalk, or bike path). This includes all leaves, trash, furniture, yard debris, and any…
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
The Board of Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA) announced today the selection of Maura Collins of Essex Junction for the position of Executive Director.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless…
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
A new four-way stop intersection will be effective this coming Monday, September 24 at the intersection of North Williston, Governor Chittenden and Mountain View Roads in Williston.
The BWAC is looking for two committed volunteer committee members, especially those who have a particular interest in keeping the Village pedestrian friendly and walkable.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.
The Design 5 Corners project will develop a cohesive, believable and implementable plan for future public and private investments in Essex Junction around the Five Corners area.
Why Essex? is a weekly(ish) column highlighting the people and places that make Essex an interesting and special place. Have an idea for the column? E-mail Darby Mayville at darby@essexjunction.org.