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City News

Water Main Break 1/27/25

There is a Water Main break on Main Street in Essex (Route 15) near Athens Drive. 


Join Us for a Community Meal and Budget Discussion

The City of Essex Junction invites residents to join its annual Community Meal and Budget Discussion on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at the Champlain Valley Expo Blue Ribbon Pavilion. The event will…


Join the City Council to Discuss the FY 26 Budget

The City of Essex Junction is preparing for its Annual Meeting and working on the Fiscal Year (FY) 26 General Fund budget. In an effort to engage residents, the City Council encourages community…


Sidewalk Plowing Delays

The City and Public Works Department understand the frustration caused by slower-than-usual snow removal on sidewalks this winter season. The current delays are mainly due to staffing vacancies. We…


Christmas Tree Pickup January 6-15, 2025

Residents and businesses in Essex Junction will once again have the opportunity to recycle their Christmas trees after the holiday season. The City Public Works Department will begin curbside pickup…


City Offices Closed Due to Scheduled Power Outage

The City Offices at 2 Lincoln Street will be closed to the public due to a multi-day scheduled power outage needed for the renovations taking place in the municipal building. This necessary power…


Reappraisal Deadline Extended for The City of Essex Junction and The Town of Essex

The City of Essex Junction and the Town of Essex want to extend our appreciation to all property owners for their patience and understanding throughout the past year as we navigate through the…


Municipal Offices Closed

Winter Parking Ban Dec 1-April 1

As winter approaches, the Department of Public Works would like to remind you of the Winter Parking Ban, which will be in effect from December 1st to April 1st. During this time, parking on any…


Pet Waste: Please Pick Up After Your Pet

The City of Essex Junction would like to encourage residents to emphasize public health and safety by picking up after their dogs. Pet waste is a major source of bacteria and can lead to excess…


November 2024 Reappraisal Update

In September 2023, site visits started for Town of Essex residential properties and are still ongoing. There will be two more batches of letters mailed to Town of Essex residential property owners…


Brownell Library Invites Community Input for Strategic Planning

Brownell Library wants to hear from you! As part of its strategic planning process for the next five years, the library is inviting community members to share their experiences and insights through a…


Election Information for Essex Junction Residents

As we approach the General Election, the City Clerk wants to provide residents with important information to ensure everyone is well-informed. Polls in Essex Junction will be open on Tuesday, November…


2024 TAC Greatest Tree Contest Winners

The Tree Advisory Committee (TAC) is excited to announce the winners of its annual Greatest Tree Contest, recognizing the most remarkable trees in our community. After carefully evaluating 14…


City Office Announces Phone Maintenance October 23

The City office at 2 Lincoln St. will be undergoing phone maintenance on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. As a result, callers may experience difficulty reaching someone in the office. 


Formation of a Stormwater Utility to Address State-Mandated Permitting

The City of Essex Junction is forming a stormwater utility to create a fair, equitable, and stable source of funding for stormwater management that is paid by all properties, including tax-exempt.…


Help us Improve Bike Parking in Essex Junction

Essex Junction's Bike/Walk Advisory Committee and Local Motion are teaming up to map bike parking around the City, and we need your help. 


Council Announces Formation of Governance Committee

The City Council of Essex Junction is pleased to announce the formation of a Governance Committee to explore governance structures aimed at ensuring equitable representation of voices at policy-making…


Susan McNamara-Hill Presented Treasurer Of the Year Award

Susan McNamara-Hill, Essex Junction’s Clerk/Treasurer, was awarded the prestigious Treasurer of the Year Award at the Vermont Municipal Clerks’ and Treasurers’ Association (VMCTA) in Montpelier. The…


Parking Lot Closure for 2 Lincoln Renovation Project

The parking lot behind the city offices will be closed in late October/early November due to the 2 Lincoln Renovation Project. This closure will impact residents who wish to visit the City Offices,…


Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to Celebrate Completion of Crescent Connector Project

The City of Essex Junction is thrilled to announce the long-awaited completion of the Crescent Connector Project. To mark this significant milestone, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held on Monday,…


West Nile Detected in Essex Junction October 2024

Mosquitoes collected in Essex Junction have tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV). West Nile virus spreads through the bite of an infected mosquito. Most people infected with West Nile virus do…


Fire Hydrant Flushing October 1-14, 2024

The City of Essex Junction Public Works Department will be flushing fire hydrants from October 1-14, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.


Connect the Junction Project Ask Residents to participate in a Community Design Charrette

The City of Essex Junction is excited to announce the upcoming Community Design Charrette for the Connect the Junction Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Master Plan project. This initiative aims to…


Essex Junction Recreation Advisory Committee Seeks Members

The City of Essex Junction is currently seeking dedicated individuals to join the Recreation Advisory Committee. This new Committee will serve as the crucial link between the community of Essex…


Ballots for November Election

The Essex Junction City Office has received inquiries regarding ballots for the General election on November 5, 2024. 

  • The State of Vermont will begin mailing ballots to ALL ACTIVE REGISTERED…

SBA Disaster Loan Information

The U.S Small Business Administrationhas provided the following information concerning the type of disaster assistance available to help communities who are continuing to recover from the July 9-11…


Crescent Connector Traffic Pattern Change

The City of Essex Junction is excited to announce that the Crescent Connector Project is scheduled to be completed this month, providing an alternative route around the Five Corners intersection.…


Subscribe to Our New Newsletter

Check out the first edition of Essex Junction News. This monthly newsletter is a new way to keep our community informed about all the exciting projects, upcoming meetings, and important dates in the…


Eastern Equine Encephalitis Prevention

The Vermont Department of Health has announced that mosquitoes collected in Essex Junction have tested positive for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). EEE is a rare but serious disease caused by a…


Crescent Connector New Signal Startup

The new signal lights associated with the Crescent Connector project will be turned on and go into flash mode prior to activation of the signals per design. 


TAC Hosts Second Annual Greatest Tree Contest

The Essex Junction Tree Advisory Committee is excited to announce the launch of the second annual Greatest Tree Contest, aimed at celebrating trees and their significance to the community.


Phone System Down

The phone lines into the Municipal Offices will be down from 12:00pm - 12:30pm for phone maintenance.


Connect the Junction Transit-Oriented Development Master Plan Project Kicks Off

The City of Essex Junction is proud to announce the launch of the "Connect the Junction" Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Master Plan project in Essex Junction.


City Council Seeks Public Input on CVE Sound Waiver Proposal

The Champlain Valley Expo (CVE) has submitted a proposal to the City Council, requesting 15 additional sound waivers from approximately May to mid-October.


2024-2025 Property Tax Bill

Important Information Regarding Your 2024-2025 Property Tax Bill

2024-2025 Property Tax Bills were mailed to property owners this week. Taxes may be paid upon receipt or can be paid by the due dates…


West Nile Virus Detected in Essex Junction

Please be advised that the State Health Department recently collected mosquitoes in both the City of Essex Junction and the Town of Essex, which have tested positive for West Nile Virus.


City Offices Closed August 16, 2024

The City municipal offices will be closed on Friday, August 16, 2024, in observance of Bennington Battle Day and will reopen on Monday, August 19, 2024.


2024 National Night Out

The Essex Police Department is excited to host National Night Out again on August 6, 2024, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Essex High School parking lot.
The event's goal is to help bring the community,…


2024 Change of Address Reminder

If you own property in the City of Essex Junction, please inform the City Clerk’s Office of any mailing address change as soon as possible.
